Shriram Krishnamurthi was recently awarded the first ever SIGPLAN Robin Milner Young Researcher Award. The award was given by SIGPLAN, ACM's Special Interest Group on programming languages, to recognize outstanding contributions by young investigators in this area.
The official award announcement refers to Shriram as "a prolific researcher who brings programming language theory to bear in many other disciplines, thus exposing its foundational value" and notes that his research contributions "range from type soundness proofs for Java and influential extensions thereof, through foundational aspects of web programming, to model-driven development and empirical studies." It further indicates that "Shriram is also an influential educator, reaching out beyond the university to infect school kids with algebraic thinking."
Robin Milner, who passed away in 2010, was a leader in programming language research, developing many of the ideas that now form the backbone of the field. Among Milner's biggest gifts to the field was his passion for mentoring and nurturing young colleagues, many of whom have grown into world leaders in their own right. This award was established in his name to further encourage new generations of outstanding researchers.